
Showing posts from January, 2024

Is SADC breaching its own protocols with deployment in DR Congo?

  SADC’s Protocol on Politics, Defense and Security Cooperation  has, among its objectives, to “ prevent, contain and resolve inter-and intrastate conflict by peaceful means .” It is, also, in the objectives of the same protocol to, “ consider enforcement action in accordance with international law and as a matter of last resort where peaceful means have failed.” A January 2024 SADC Communique pertaining to deployment of a Mission in the DR   C ongo  provides, among other things, that the deployment is in accordance with the principle of collective defense and collective action. According to the Mutual Defense Pact , Any armed attack perpetrated against one of the State Parties shall be considered a threat to regional peace and security and shall be met with immediate collective action . SADC’s Protocol on Politics, Defense and Security Cooperation  has, among its objectives, to “ prevent, contain and resolve inter-and intrastate conflict by peaceful means .” It is, also, in the object

With Every False Accusation, Kagame is Paying the Price for Standing Tall.

  Every false accusation directed at President Kagame is intended at damaging his standing as a  responsible  leader. President Paul Kagame. There has been an end less  wave of accusations against President Paul   Kagame .   S ome accus e  him of causing insecurity in DR Congo in order to plunder minerals  while  others accus e  him of killing political opponents and abusing human rights, among a host of ill-deeds. For a  while  now, whenever the M23 re - emerges to fight for what it calls political oppression and Tutsi killings by the FDLR and satellite groups (and  the FARDC  sometimes) , DR   C ongo  authorities point fingers at  Rwanda . The arrest of Victoire Ingabire in 2010 - for crimes of  genocide ideolog y,  divisionism and terrorist acts - was met with stiff oppositio n . When Rusesabagina, was upheld and prosecute d , his sympathizers called for his “immediate release” and claimed he had been “wrongfully detained” and that Rwanda’s ju dicial system  was not free, so an unbi